Monday, July 11, 2011

The One Who Showed Mercy

What does it mean to love those who live in poverty?
We started our morning talking about how we are to love people who are the poor in our community and in our world. There are children who are starving and people who have no home. We are to love them, but how? Acknowledge them personally, comfort their broken spirits, and give wisely.

The ladies spent our day working with the girls sewing and beading. It seems so simple, we sit, we string beads onto a string, but this small task saves the girls from a life of selling themselves. Seeing one girl with her son Darlington, knowing that he will not go hungry and she can live with dignity. Knowing that he will have another option than life on the street.

The girls and their teachers work so hard each day they have come here. They serve, they work, they care. They struggle to let us serve them in almost any way. It was a beautiful picture to see these women finally allowing us to serve them. Weathered skin, relaxing, and soothed. Some girls massaged aged hands, others painted nails. Such a blessing to serve.

We had our daily, afternoon thunderstorm. The deep blue sky, rolled in, the thunder shook the ground as we laughed and embraced.

We are allowing these snapshots to change our hearts and create room to love more and to love deeply. Seth reminded us this morning to carry these snapshots with us when we return home and these snapshots we have to share with you. I can only hope that they change your heart, opening it up to love more and more.



  1. Alison, I love seeing your heart open more and more to serving the poor. It is so encouraging to see. Your words and snapshots will allow others to follow in the same way. Love you!
