Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hello All.
We arrived in KENYA on Monday evening after 2 smooth flights. After last year, it was great to have no problems with travel or luggage. We spent the night in Nairobi, had a great breakfast together as a team with Daniel, Mark, and Derek and headed out on a 6 and a half hour journey across the country. Last night was our first evening in Kitale with the whole Transformed International team. We stayed awake long enough to enjoy a delicious pasta dinner prepared by Meredith and spent a few hours at a community group with other christians living in Kitale. It is always a beautiful experience to sit with other believers and worship, pray and be a part of encouraging one another. I am confident that the Lord has already begun to work in each of our hearts as we experience seeing Christ at work within each of us in a new place.

Today we had a cultural training and then the girls headed to town to do some shopping before joining the NEEMA girls. The boys went off to the Veronica Home to begin building a mud hut. As usually there is always something happening around here. Today, it was transportation. Vehicles are being "arrested" and taken in by the police as a way of making money, so we had to drive and try to avoid police checks so that we could get to and from the places we all needed to be.
The girls had a great day with the NEEMA girls. The neema ladies are always shy at first but after showing us the shamba (garden) and a quick round of frisbee, they were all warmed up. We ate lunch together, played a round of UNO, painted and finger nails and then it was time to go. :( Time goes by way too quickly. I love seeing how healthy the girls look, to see them smile and laugh, to watch them learning to give and receive love. The NEEMA house is one of my most favorite places to be. I was excited and blessed to watch Brenna, Janell and Kristi jump right in asking the girls question, playing games with them and laughing with them.

Well, I don't have much time to write, but wanted to let you all know we have safely arrived and are excited to be here!!! Thanks to all of you who helped us get here and who are praying for us!

Pray for:
-good rest
-safety travelling
-a work in our hearts
-that time would SLOW DOWN while we are here

Tomorrow the boys will be building and the girls will be shopping for clothing to distribute and spending time with the shimo girls and their kids. We will update again when we can. The internet is down, so it may be a bit before we can write again, but we will do our best to get some photos up tomorrow.

Faith (for the team)


  1. No 12 hour stop in Ghana?? No stop in Atlanta to go back to JFK?? I'm glad you all made it safely! Praying for continued safety and that the Father's love flows through you all as you continue to be an ambassador for His Kingdom in Kenya!

    Blessings friends,


  2. Faith - you can get a little modem (like a thumb drive) at Safaricom for about $50 and pay-as-you-go. Then as long as there is electricity or your batteries are good you can use the internet. You could bring it back home with you to use next time or leave it there for them when you go back home.
